Google allows users to search the Web for images, news, products, video, and other content.
Shortcuts and tools in this folder
• Search the web for text
Searches the web using Google
• Search example.com for text
Searches within the current website using Google
• Define: text
Uses Google to define a term.
• Find pages like this one
Using Google, finds pages similar to the page you are viewing.
• Map: multi-line text
Maps the selected text in Google Maps
A publicly edited encyclopedia that you have surely heard of.
Shortcuts and tools in this folder
• Search: text
Searches Wikipedia
• Entries that link to 'example.com'
Finds entries that link to the website you're viewing.
Find definitions for slang terms and submit words for others to see. Includes a slang term of the day, illustrating images, and sound files of how terms are pronounced.
Shortcuts and tools in this folder
• Define: text
Finds (often funny) user-created definitions for words.
Website Similarity Search. Finds similar websites and allows search by Tag Signature.
Shortcuts and tools in this folder
• Find sites like example.com
Finds sites that are like this website.
• Find sites like this
Finds sites similar to this webpage.
Social bookmarks manager which allows users to tag, save, manage, and share webpages.
Shortcuts and tools in this folder
• Info on this page
Shows how many people have bookmarked this page on Delicious, as well as what it has been tagged as
• Bookmark this page
Bookmarks this page on Delicious.com
• Notes on this page
Shows comments users added to this bookmark on Delicious
• Search: text
Searches Delicious.com for popular bookmarks containing the search term
BackType shows you conversations about a website or webpage from various social networks.
Shortcuts and tools in this folder
• Connect this page
Shows social media analytics about the webpage you're viewing.
• Connect example.com
Shows social media analytics about the website you are at.
The world's most popular URL shortener.
Shortcuts and tools in this folder
• Shorten this URL
Shortens the URL using bit.ly
• Open bit.ly Sidebar
Opens the bit.ly Sidebar.
A very popular microblogging service.
Shortcuts and tools in this folder
• Tweet this page
Updates your Twitter status to the title and url of the current page
• Tweet text
Updates your Twitter status
• Search Twitter for text
Searches Twitter, in real-time.
A popular user-submitted video website.
Shortcuts and tools in this folder
• Search for text
Search for videos on YouTube